Archive for love

Garbage in, Garbage out.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 18, 2011 by Haylei

So you know that thing you got in your head called a brain? a mind? Sometimes it becomes sick, and there’s a battle going on up there that you don’t always want to admit to, or focus on..but when you get right down to it, it’s hard to ignore because you begin to hear your inner most thoughts. No, that doesn’t make you makes you normal. Whether you want to believe it or not, your mind has a lot to do with your life. It affects the way you act, the way you see yourself and the struggles in life. It affects your view and perspective, and it can even affect your health. That’s right, your BODILY health. How, you ask? Because you begin to bottle things up, for various reasons. You don’t want to make someone mad, look down upon you, someone’s view on you change, think you’re bad-mouthing others, or simply because…it makes you seem like you’re whining since you have “problems.”
I’m one of those people. I choose to not talk sometimes, because I think it makes me sound like I’m whining, that I don’t have the “backbone” to deal with things by myself. Well, that’s a bunch of poop..because you’re not SUPPOSED to deal with it all by yourself! That’s why the Lord places certain people in your life, only IF for a season! And uh, hello! THE LORD IS STILL THERE! For He even says in Hebrews 13, Verses 5 and 6 (From: The Message)

5 -6Don’t be obsessed with getting more material things. Be relaxed with what you have. Since God assured us, “I’ll never let you down, never walk off and leave you,” we can boldly quote,

God is there, ready to help;
I’m fearless no matter what.
Who or what can get to me?”

He promises not to walk off and forget if YOU are not where YOU need to be with Him, then who do you honestly think moved?

Recently, I have gone through a really rough and heart wrenching break up. Not because it’s ugly and we were at each others throats…but because it was such a hard decision for ME to make. I spent countless hours praying about it, asking God to give me the confirmation I needed in order to make this decision easier for me to make…because I had given my heart away before HE was ready to give ME away. The God we serve as Christians, is a JEALOUS God. He wants ALL of us, not just bits and pieces of us. That means all of us, even in a relationship.
Read that again.
He wants ALL of us, even in a relationship.
I never really understood what all that meant when I heard it in sermons, and in my youth group. I just remember always hearing “Be evenly yoked.” I just thought that meant in marriage, and that it wouldn’t completely apply in a relationship. Well, I was wrong. I began to realize that I was “justifying” things that happened, or didn’t happen, in the relationship to make it work in my –mind–. To ease up my thoughts at night so that I may sleep and just get through another day, when, that’s not the Lord’s plan. He doesn’t want us to ‘Just get by.’ He wants us to have life abundantly! He wants us to have great Joy and to lie in His arms in His peace! So why do we continue to fight it!?
—>Because we are HUMAN. We are flesh, and have “needs” as people call them. Emotional, mental, physical needs that “have” to be met in order for the relationship to be all that the WORLD wants it to be. And that is a LIE FROM THE DEVIL!
I spent many nights, listening to worship music in order to make my mind calm down..calling out to my DaddyGod, asking Him to come and surround me so that I may sleep soundly. Asking Him to guide my steps where He wants them to be…and WANTED them to be in the first place, before I decided to do my own thang, and say “see ya” basically.

So what have I learned in the last month?

1. Peace is something that takes time. It’s something that, when you’re asking for it, you might as well be asking for patience. It’s something that doesn’t come easy, but once you have it, you see things in a whole new perspective. The key to peace? To really, whole-heartedly give it to God. Not just give it to Him and still have a hand on it..making sure that He IS taking care of it, but trusting that He already has, and is going to continue to. It’s also stepping out on faith that, “Okay Lord, this isn’t easy, but I’m going to anyway.” When You finally have peace, you’ve also learned patience, how to trust, how to step out on Faith, and that, the Lord really is good and knows all and really does mean what He says in Jeremiah 29:11 ( “I know what I’m doing. I have it all planned out—plans to take care of you, not abandon you, plans to give you the future you hope for.” -The Message- Version.) It’s something that doesn’t always happen overnight, but is a process, just like every thing else.
2. That “If you’re compromising your faith, then you’re compromising what you believe in..and if you don’t know what you believe in, then what are you going to stand for?”
3. That, you shouldn’t compromise your faith for anyTHING, or anyONE. If you feel like you have to, that is NOT what or who the Lord designed for you to have. The Lord does not speak in confusion or contradiction, so if you are confused…That is SATAN attacking you and trying to move you off the path you were designed to be upon in the first place.
4. That when you bottle things up, like emotions or things that are ON YOUR MIND…it makes you physically sick. For me, it really does. I begin to feel sick to my stomach, and you know..I actually do throw up. I throw up my thoughts..I “purge” myself. Most of the time not voluntarily. Most of the time, it’s the people who know me best that either make me so mad I just let it all out, or they continue to ask me till I just spill everything. Literally. I go onto a rampant, and talk 90 to nothin with barely taking any breaths and I feel better afterwards.


I think it’s time to take a stand for OUR MINDS. We hear about it for a our bodies, and we get preached about if for our souls..but it’s time we stomp the enemy and say enough is enough and take back our minds. Take back our thoughts.
Philippians 4:8-9 (The Message) ” 8 -9Summing it all up, friends, I’d say you’ll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies. ”

No matter if you like it or not…how much you don’t want to do it, or don’t think you can…you must if the Lord is telling you too. For you will reap what you sow. If you sow into the things you know are right, you will begin to reap blessings; BUT, if you sow into the things you know AREN’T right, and you KNOW you shouldn’t be doing them/engaging in them/carrying on in them, then you will reap the consequences of those actions.

It all boils down to what you think upon and what you fill your mind with.

Like the saying goes:
“Garbage in, Garbage out.”

What will you fill your mind with?


Hide and Speak?

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on March 31, 2010 by Haylei

So, I apologize for not writing in a while. It’s been a bit of a whirlwind the past few months. But! The Lord is faithful, good, and took care of me just in time!

I have something that has been laid on my heart, and once again, it’s going to step on a couple of toes.

Yes, I said the word. Relationships are hard..and it’s something that you have to work at daily..but recently, I’ve had a bit of a change of view on the outlook I hold on them. I’ve been in this spot a couple of times, but just moments before I began to write this, it just kinda hit me in the face and I was like…”dang..that kinda sucks worse when you think about it like that.”
I’ve been put in this position, where I’m missed..but the guy that’s telling me that, is taken. I know, shame on him right? No. He’s entitled to his own feelings..and it’s good he’s being honest with it. I’m not one to judge or anything, and you shouldn’t either. He’s entitled to have feelings, but like I said, I’m glad that he’s honest about it and not hiding
Today I told him basically that if you can’t hang out with me in broad daylight without your girlfriend getting upset, why would hanging out “secretively” be any different?
For those of you out there thinking, “Well haylei, what she don’t know won’t hurt her.”


I mean isn’t that kinda what we do to our Father? Daddy God (as I call Him)? I mean..we are sooo deathly scared of hangin out with him in public, yet we are okay with it when the door is shut and certain people aren’t around.
Why should you be ashamed of Him outside of the door and not in? If you’re going to praise Him, praise Him at ALL times. Same goes for the opposite, if you’re going to shun and ignore Him outside and around your “friends” and in  broad daylight..then you should do the same thing inside too.
We’ve all heard the saying, “you can’t have your cake and eat it too.” My saying? “You can’t have your cake AND ice cream.” Yes, they are good together, but you can’t have the best of both worlds. Period. You can’t straddle the fence or cross the line when things get have to, at some point, make a decision and pick a side.

You’ve gotta let this sink in.
Why be in a pointless relationship, right? That goes the same for Daddy God. Why would you be in an earthly relationship that you can’t talk to your significant other about your other relationship with Jesus, huh? Dude, come on now. Get real. You know that’s just dumb. Quit ignoring Him and puttin’ Him in a box! You can’t just take Him out and tell Him what you need and then put Him back in…it’s called COMMUNICATION! Meaning, you have to listen not just as much, but TWICE as much as you talk. And trust me, that is a struuuggglle for me. 😛 I love to talk..I can talk to God for hours and then just fall asleep on Him, and yes, He’s always going to love me, but He’s a jealous God. He doesn’t just want part of us or little bits and pieces of us…He wants us all. He is so madly in love with us that He gave His son for us. Some of you out there, know what it’s like to lose your only child..I can only imagine. But imagine trying to WILLINGLY give  your son or daughter up…so that others may live. So that OTHER parents can have their sons and daughters.
Could you do that?
I don’t know if I could or not honestly. That would be hard. And you gotta think of what Jesus’ mother experienced. WATCHING her Son die. Being beaten, battered and bruised…hung on a cross…just struggling to breathe. Watching Him take His last breath..again I ask, could you do that?

Last week at Oneless, the Lord spoke and said the following:
“How desperate, is desperate? How lost, is lost?
How desperate do you have to be to call for help? How completely and utterly lost do you have to be to finally ask for directions?
All you have to do is call My Name, and I will be there. No matter how faint the whisper, or loud the yell, I will swoop you up in My arms and save you. ”

Psalm 138:3
“The moment I called out, You stepped in; You made my life large with strength.”

I don’t think I need a question or a profound statement to end..I think it all speaks for itself.
Just let it…


There’s Always A First:)

Posted in Smiles for Miles, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on December 3, 2009 by Haylei

So last Tuesday marked another first for Smiles for Miles!

I gave 12 bags of stuffed animals away that were going to Navajo Indian Reservations in New Mexico and Arizona, for Christmas. To my understanding, Johnny left with the 18 wheelers yesterday.

I must say, the feeling was absolutely overwhelming. No, it wasn’t over seas, but Smiles for Miles was created to give children hope for not just their future, but tomorrow…what better way than to recieve a soft little cuddle buddy on Christmas?

Short update, but the feeling I just can’t put into words.
I wanted to take a moment to thank, Tyler Hall. He helped me count over 1,000 stuffed animals earlier last week, and then got me hooked up with Johnny:) So thank you, dear. You just helped a part of my dream come so much more than just reality…it was a gift that was absolutely amazing. You have one huge heart and are destined to do great things for His Glory. I assure you that:)

To all the others that have been helping, Joan out at Salvation Army…I wouldn’t have been able to give that many stuffed animals away if it wasn’t for you. I love you.

To Mrs.Barb, and Mister Brown…You guys keep me sane! haha! With all those animals, I definitely needed a place for them all, and you guys are so graciously taking care of me. I love you guys.

First send off for Smiles for Miles

One step closer to the things to come for Smiles for Miles.

Remember, live love and love life.
You could be a child’s hope and life saver, just by giving a stuffed animal.


The main element here, is Green.

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on October 8, 2009 by Haylei

Your purpose was not to be what this world wants you to be but what His eyes saw and His hands molded you to be. You were put on this world for a purpose greater than any on mans eyes could see. Your heart may be broken as you say goodbye, but there is a tomorrow that has your name written upon it. You are defined not by the struggles you face, but how well you carry yourself throughout them. You may be losing family, but they are not gone forever, they are merely going on to the destiny God has placed in their life. They were in your life for a season and a reason and to make you stronger. To bring you a set of guidelines and to get you started. It’s not about the quality of the boat that has been given to you, it’s what you do with it is how you will be remembered. Your boat right now are the guidelines that this family has brought into our lives and the lessons that we have learned in the 13 years we have shadowed under them. Your destiny is not about the people who have been brought into your life, but what you do with them.

You have only one life, so what will you do with it?
Your impossible situation, is God’s way of getting you to HIS destination.

Along with those words, I leave you with a poem.

Your heart may be broken,
But His love is the greatest token.
Your burden may be too heavy,
But by His steps we remain steady.
One man made a difference in you,
Now take his teachings and keep them through
your biggest trials, think and thin,
Because with that and Him,
You’ll surely win.
Your heart remains in His hands,
Just remember there’s only one set of prints in the sand.
Be strong dear daughter for you are mine,
I’ve given you a light so let it shine.
Be strong my dear son,
For your life has only just begun.

This goes out to my newly found family at Westmore..and mainly to my peeps at The Element. If you are reading this…know that this only makes you stronger. I was in your very shoes just a year and 8 months ago. I know what you’re feeling. And I will be honest with hurts..and is going to hurt for a little while. But it DOES get better. You are made stronger through it. Your head may be held low, but He will come pick you up by the chin and tell you, “Dear child of mine, I love you. I will never leave you.” And that my dear friends, is the greatest thing to hear from your heavenly Father and friend at that time. My heart breaks for those of you that looked to the Green family, as YOUR family…and more Robert as a father figure, or another parent. Know this, HE LOVES YOU TOO! If he didn’t, he wouldn’t have prayed over EACH and EVERY one of you! That says a lot right there!
You WILL make it through HIS time..until then, you’ve got me, and I know a leadership team as well as friends behind you, that will back you up, build you up, and help you up:)

Secondly, for those other bloggers out there reading this..I was just going to post this as a note on my facebook..just for my Westmore gang..and I just couldn’t do it. Someone out there reading this…this was for YOU! You were MEANT to read this…whether you know me, or not. I’m not exactly sure who it was for..but I know that it is going to speak volumes in your life. You have to have faith as it talks about all throughout Hebrews. Faith isn’t always easy. Hebrews 11 states that is believing in something that isn’t there at that moment. No, you may not have after job tomorrow, but you have a God and a Heavenly Father that loves you and that’s going to see you through, and send you where you’re needed…wanted. No, your son or daughter may not be home tomorrow, but there is an angel protecting them from harm and danger till they’re safe in YOUR arms. No, he or she may not stop hitting you tomorrow…but one day very soon you will be free. Don’t take that lightly! Whoever that was that I just spoke to with that last sentence, DO NOT TAKE THAT LIGHTLY! “yeah, right. like i haven’t heard that before. whatever.” umm…no. He promised you that you would do great things..and that you will. “I AM, THAT, I AM.”


No drug can make you feel like He can. No amount of alcohol can give you the buzz that He can only create. That knife will NEVER be able to cut deep enough to release the pain you feel. The mirror will never tell you you’re good enough.  Those pills, only last for a few hours.
MY God, lasts for an eternity. Whether you want to believe it or not. And I’ll say it again, it doesn’t matter what denomination you are from. It doesn’t matter who you are, where you came from, or what your background is. We are all given a boat, and are supposed to use it…regardless of the holes, ducktape, tears in the sale or the size for that matter! We are to use it to the best of our ability. You make it what you want..better make it what He instructs you to make it. So what if you don’t have the materials now, He always provides somehow.


Be ready for the storm of His Love that is about to flood your life.
Remember, Live Love and Love Life.


Warning: Explicit Content

Posted in Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 24, 2009 by Haylei

I was talking to one of my friends on Facebook this morning, and it was one really awesome, and in depth conversation. Please prepare yourself for what you are about to read, for it is blunt and straight forward and WILL stomp on your toes. Pray before you read.

He asked me how Smiles for Miles was coming, and I told him good…just ran into a road block or two, but in His time it will come to pass. With that he said this:
” Really Haylei, you don’t know how proud of you I am for taking this big step. It’s not even because you’re helping kids. It’s because you’re making a statement. The statement you’re making is Christianity isn’t just about not sinning and sitting on the pew every Sunday. It’s about taking action and really showing the love of Christ. I want to thank you for jumping out there and taking a risk like you have. That’s what following Christ is, it’s about taking risks. I think that the modern church has gotten comfortable with playing it safe and sitting inside the church. They forget that Jesus said if we follow him we are taking a major risk. Following Christ is dangerous business.”
He read me like a book. I told him that I am tired of people talking about change, and revival, and this and that…but just sitting back and not doing a thing about it. I have been created to stand out from the crowd, and I plan to do that whether people like it or don’t like it. I’m here to get a Word out, not to entertain or do what is pleasing to someone else’s eye.
He replied, “We so often think that to be a Christian we have to behave a certain way and just make it through our lives without sinning. We aren’t supposed to sin, but that’s only half of it. The next half is acting and like you said “standing out”. Just because you’re not doing anything wrong doesn’t mean you are doing anything right.”
Please re-read that last sentence.

Just because you’re not doing anything wrong…
DOESN’T mean you’re doing anything right.
I think that if we took a step back as not just one person, but as a body of Christ, we might just learn a thing or two. No, you may not being doing anything wrong…but it certainly doesn’t mean that doing NOTHING is okay either. hello?
I got my faith as well as some of my beliefs challenged quite a bit this past week. I honestly, thought it wasn’t possible for me to shake in my boots. I thought I was pretty darn sturdy for my age. I thought wrong, and boy was it a wake up call.
Let me make something clear to those reading, I do not like having denominations. Period. The end. Fin. All done.
Church of God isn’t better than Baptist, and Methodists aren’t any better than Catholics. We are ALL one body under Him, and He loves us regardless of how we Praise Him. WE split that up ourselves. My book cover may say Church of God and Pentecostal, but it doesn’t mean my pages say everything that that doctrine of theirs does. I may have been born and raised in Church of God, but that doesn’t mean I have the exact same views and outlooks as they do. Yes, I believe in a lot of things that they do, but it doesn’t mean that I think differently about everyone else. If you have seen my info on my Facebook, you’ll notice that my religious views state this: I love Jesus with all of my heart:)
Plain. And. Simple.
all make mistakes, mess up, and fall so why point the finger when you haven’t even looked in the mirror yet? And when you DO decide to look in that mirror, and see the person staring back at you…make sure that you can’t point your own finger there..before you go and claim “stone them” on someone else.
Did that get into anyone else’s spirit like it did mine?
Shake anyone up or step on anyone else’s toes?

He said something else that got to me too. He said:

“I have come to realization of so many things. Like what is possible? I used to think that I had to come to terms with what reality is. That like I said earlier, in order to be a good Christian I had to behave a certain way. I had to be a “good boy”. I had to get a good job, support a family, and then die with as little sins as possible. That was my “purpose” in life. But I have realized something else. Jesus was a criminal. He was put on trial for challenging the status quo. If we as the church are supposed to be like Christ, then why aren’t we challenging the status quo? We are viewed as judgmental because many sit back and simply speak out against what we’re against, when instead we should speak up for what we are for. I’m not saying we should accept things like homosexuality and etc. But we should be more focused on standing up for what Christ for. We should be more worried about our brothers and sisters who have been persecuted in other countries. We should be more focused on the millions who are trapped in sex trafficking. We should be more focused on revolutionizing what it means to be a follower of Christ. Followers of Christ should be known for what we stand for, what Christ stood for. Instead we are viewed as judgmental hypocrites.”

That made me think. If we are viewed as judgmental hypocrites, whose fault is that? It’s not the preachers, or the music ministers, the worship team, or the organ player. It’s yours. It’s mine. It’s the fact that we have a voice at a football game and a voice to gossip enough about other people or our “friends,” yet we have no voice to speak His truth, His Word, His blessings…His LIFE. What’s wrong with that picture. I’ll tell you…We have let the world mold this church. Is something wrong with that statement? We have let the WORLD mold us into what it wants us to be. We have allowed them to put tape over our mouths and undo it when they want us to speak. We lack the part where we take it off ourSELVES and take that step of faith and make a radical impact we speak so highly about among our “church friends.” Yes, I said “church friends.” I’m guilty of it too.

He went on in saying, “I want to see a day when Christians are revered for their willpower and determination to make a major impact in the world. Christians used to be seen as trouble makers in the early days. Peter, Paul, etc. were considered trouble makers because they challenged the status quo. They moved people out of their comfortable lives to reveal the truth. I want Christians to be seen as trouble makers again. Like you said, we have to step out in faith.”
He concluded in making this statement which we have all heard at one point or another: “
You can’t walk on water if you never step out of the boat.

I took that statement another step further and said this:
“But you can’t step out on the boat if you never take the boat on the water. Our boat may be wobbly and have some holes in it, but it doesn’t mean we will sink. It simply means we have to actually depend on the One who gave us the darn boat in the first place.”

“Sacrifice what is given to you and you will receive a greater blessing.”
When I sent him that message above in blue, I knew that was a word for someone else. But you wouldn’t have gotten it completely if I just put it as my status. Sometimes you have to endure some things before you get to where He wants you to be. When your place of seating has been taken away from you, the only way for you to go is on your knees. If your knees are bruised, it means you’ve been where He wants you to be. Stop letting the devil tell you that you have been won over all because you’re on your face. Being on your face means you’re seeking HIS face.

I don’t care if you’re 12, 22, or 62 reading this. It goes for everyone. You may not be old enough to get a job, but you’re old enough to be used for His Glory. You may be old enough to retire from your job, but you’re never too old to be used for the Kingdom of Heaven, right here on this earth.

I think that once we start becoming more concerned about what is going on OUTSIDE the church, rather than IN it…is when this country, and this world will begin to see revival. I’m not saying that there aren’t problems we need to take care of in the church, I’m saying we’re getting too caught up in it and making it bigger than what it really is.
We need step out on FAITH, not on “facts” or money, and begin to MAKE the change that we TALK about and want everyone else to do. We need to actually begin to get our hands dirty, instead of having our secretaries, and assistants do it for us. We’re big boys and girls…time to wear the right attire and do it.

I’m taking a step and making the change I want to see, regardless if you support me or not. All that matters is that I have my family behind me 150% and that I have God by my side guiding me where I’m needed…and where His people are hungry for something more than food and water…but the bread of Life and Living Water that is abundantly overflowing.

I posted my Facebook status on Tuesday stating this:
” I want to be poured into and be so overflowing that I pour into others around me. I don’t want to be able to contain my joy, love, vision or passion. I want to be an open vessel woking for His …Glory, and if you can’t handle that, get out of my way because I have my eyes on the greatest prize, and you have no authroity or ability to stop me. I’m HIS precious daughter and He loves me. Get on my level.”
That’s exactly what I want. My level, changes on almost a daily basis. It’s getting set higher with every step I take, mistake I do, and apology I say. If you don’t want to be poured into, fine. But don’t be the barrier on someone elses beaker because you’re too stubborn to have someone else help you. Don’t bring someone down with you to keep you company when you’re too scared to even look up. You’re loved regardless…but you’ll never know till you decide to look up…with your eyes open.

That is all.
Remember, Live Love, and Love Life.
Step out on Hebrews 11:1

Baby steps and growing up.

Posted in Smiles for Miles, Visions:) with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on September 1, 2009 by Haylei

Much to inform all you reading about Smiles for Miles out there!
First off, special thanks to Joan out at Salvation Army who donated over 200 stuffed animals last week! Not to mention the hundred that I found through out the house! And I know I have another box somewhere…just gotta find it! Haha! That’s a task and a mission in itself right there. 😛

Alright, the even bigger news. Today, I got the papers I needed to legalize everything, and I must say…I’m overwhelmed with excitement. Everything just fell right into place. Mister George is one awesome man, and I have the honor of working with him. The thing that got me most, is that he prayed with me before I left. That spoke volumes to me, more than anything. It was just one more confirmation that this is where God’s leading me, and I couldn’t be happier.
As I was talking to Jeff earlier today, this is a big step. I felt like…well, a grown up. I mean, I’m almost 20 years old, you’d think I’d feel that by now, right? Well I felt it today. My mom might as well be my best friend…I mean, she’s the one I bounce off ideas with, express my feelings to..both good and bad. She’s just…there. Always has been…and I was taking this step, without her by my side. It was a little scary to be honest. No, I don’t need “mommy holding my hand”, but it’s nice to have that safety net, you know?
I felt like I finally broke through this wall. I’m so over joyed, I’ve been crying tears of HAPPINESS! 😀 Finally..some happy tears! ^_^

Also, thanks to Pastor James, I feel like I have another safety net, Mt.Olive. I feel like I’m no longer in this by myself, and that I have some stable support behind me. It’s still so very nerve racking though! I mean, I’m still young, and making some BIG steps here! I just know, that my God is ordering them by His will, and any where I go…He’s leading me and I’m not kicking any doors open:) That’s all I the comfort I need.

Thanks to all of those who prayed for favor today! I love you all so dearly. Keep it up! And keep spreading the word! Remember, live love, and love life. Hope is just around the corner for these kids!


God Provided:) S4M

Posted in Smiles for Miles, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 20, 2009 by Haylei

So, here is the new update, for those of you bloggers reading out there:)

As of last night, I counted over 220 stuffed animals. My living room, was completely filled thanks to Amanda Trevena, my Uncle Donnie with Fire Station 1, Ruthie Forgey with The Salvation Army, Phil Brown and Mario Hood. And that was only last night. I still have MINE to count!

So…with counting all of those last night…I thought to myself, “I really need a storage unit. I can’t wait to legalize this for the tax forms..I need one ASAP. Lord…I need your help please!” And that’s exactly what He did.

I went into the storage place that my mom, as well as my office uses for storage, and talk to Ms. Barb:) Probably one of the sweetest ladies to ever be on this earth, and just happens to be in little ol’ Cleveland. I talked to her, told her about Smiles for Miles, and that I needed a storage unit, about a 5×10 if possible. She said that she had some openings, and it would be $55 monthly. I said, “That’s perfect. When can I have it?” She said, “We usually give the first month free, but ask you to pay the second month in advance, so we aren’t jipped.” Which is understandable. I asked if I could pay on Thursday (today), since I get paid on Thursdays, and she said, not a problem. We then got off topic somehow, and got into a long conversation. I was there an hour and didn’t even know it! After we had talked, I went over what I wrote down, so I made sure I didn’t forget anything. She then said, “You know what, I’m going to give you the rest of this month, as well as next month free. And you know..I’m not going to make you pay the $55 until October 1st. Don’t worry about it until then.” I about dropped to the floor. I thanked her, took my key, and left. Called my mom, joy and excitement overflowing..and then went home.

Now, if you don’t believe that was God, I have more.
I received a call today, at 12:44 pm. I was eating lunch with my family, hearing all the stories about when my mom and aunt were younger, and hearing about Brian and that darn cat BJ. It was hilarious. I was in the middle of laughing when I answered. It was Ms. Barb, and she said she had some news to tell me. She said, “I talked to Mr. Brown yesterday evening, and told him what you are starting up, and what you’re using the storage for. He told me to call and tell you, that we aren’t going to charge you until December.” I said, “You mean, I have until December first free!?” She said, “Well, he’s just going to let you have that. And if we need to use it, we will call and notify you, and put you in another one, big or small. Small being temporary until we can get you a bigger one. But yes, it’s free.” I told her what a blessing this was, and that I prayed that they would be greatly blessed and highly favored for what they had just given me! I then proceeded over to Ms. Barb’s building, walked in and gave you one BIG hug! She then asked me if I had gotten a lock yet, and I told her no, I was waiting till I received my paycheck today. She then finds an extra lock, and just gives it to me.

So lets see. 220 animals in one day.
A free 5×10 storage unit.
Then to top it all off, a free lock.
If you don’t believe that was God, you’re blind.

God provided TREMENDOUSLY!
So thanks to all of you who have been praying for this ministry and for me! You are so appreciated! I look forward to telling you all more!

Remember, live love…and love life.


The Latest.

Posted in Smiles for Miles, Uncategorized with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 13, 2009 by Haylei

Alright,’s been a pretty crazy week to say the least. Smiles for Miles kinda laid low on the radar of my life, as finding a new place with my sister and mom, took precedence  over everything. Not to mention the moving in, which was killer. But, thankfully, we are basically all moved in and loving our new place. The next thing that took over, almost everything for the time being, was the passing of one of my dear friends, Spencer Kile Alford. Don’t ask me questions, just go here. But there’s life in death, and I’m rejoicing in the Lord, because I know he is in a better place. I love and miss him dearly, as does his other friends and family, but knowing that the joy, strength and peace of the Lord comes when I call His name, gets my through. For He is the I am, as King has reminded me, quite a bit.

SO! This brings me to my update for Smiles for Miles.
I have to get Smiles for Miles legalized as a non-profit organization, before I can get any tax write off forms, or basically anything else to do with that. From what I’m told, it’s going to take any where from 2 to possibly 4 or 5 months. So, for those of you reading, be praying that I am able to find an attorney that’s not only quick at what he/she does, but that it won’t cost me an arm and a leg..maybe even some toes. haha! Thank you in advance, for all of your prayers.

Also, I am getting stuffed animals like CRAZY! It’s AWESOME! I have bags, soon to be BARRELS full! Literally!! Miss Ruthie is going to be giving me BARRELS! How awesome is that?? But DO NOT LET IT STOP THERE! I can ALWAYS use more! I will find somewhere bigger to store them, as soon as possible. As of right now, they’re at my house, in my closet. haha:)

Last but not least, Charity Graff in Philippines as well as Paul Stockard in Paraguay have both contacted me this morning. Charity is over Gentle Hands, which I believe is a deaf orphanage. Paul is over Children of the Dump…and I think that name says everything needed. So what this now means, is that I have 2 more locations to send smiles and hope to. But, the catch is, they can’t come in the states and get them, they have to be shipped out, which is going to cost, quite a bit. But once again, I know God is going to supply the means in which this can be possible. Not sure how, but I remember seeing it, and I’m trusting and having faith, that He’s taking care of it:)

Thank you to all of you who are supporting me in this, and backing me up! Also, thank you to all who are donating animals, as well as anything else! You will be abundantly blessed! Remember, we aren’t just sending smiles, we are sending hope. If not for their future, just for tomorrow.


Smiles for Miles Update:)

Posted in Smiles for Miles with tags , , , , , , , , , , , on August 3, 2009 by Haylei

Alright:) So here is an update on the latest with Smiles for Miles:)

I have the privilege of working with Paul Dyar, as well as a missions trip team from Lee who will be going to Honduras:)
Here is what he informed me, on how the stuffed animals will be used.
“We would give them out at the Gov. orphanage. There are several, but the one that we work with has 130 children, from babies to 10 years old. These kids rarely get anything and I am sure it would put some big smiles on their faces.

Alsop, if there are more, then we could give them to the children at the school for the Bordo children. These kids are raised on the river in shacks with dirt floors with usually 6-10 people living in one room. I know they would love to receive a gift.”

sweet love

I will also have a privelage in working with Jeff Young, in Cambodia. I don’t have details on the children he is working with yet, but as soon as I do, I will let everyone know:)

These are just the couple that have contacted me so far! I KNOW that there are more out there! And I am doing what I can to seek them out.

hope established:)

Also, I have several people who are donating stuffed animals. So far, I think it’s around 7, 8 if you include me.
DO NOT LET IT STOP THERE! 🙂 YOU can be a BIG help to a child! Give what you can, even if it’s a few! They WILL be appreciated, and you WILL be blessed!

Just remember this:
This project/ministry will be making smiles come to life…while putting hope in their hearts.


What more could you ask for?

If you need to get in contact with me, I am on Facebook, as well as Myspace.
You can also follow me on Twitter. [**CLICK LINKS TO ADD FRIEND AND FOLLOW!**]

I have a special e-mail that I will be using for this ministry project, so write it down, save it…just somehow REMEMBER IT!:)

Thanks guys! I look forward to hearing from you!
Remember…they need love, hope, and a smile every now and then too.

sweet hope


Smiles for Miles #1:)

Posted in Smiles for Miles with tags , , , , , , , , , , on July 30, 2009 by Haylei

Hello hello!
I pray everyone had a fabulous day!

Today, I picked the name of this “ministry” or whatever this is going to be:)
It will be called Smiles for Miles.
I now have names of people to get in contact with that are missionaries that are stationed around the globe. Paraguay, Cambodia, Philippines, Kenya and various others as well. I might have a few for Uruguay, as well as Panama..and let me tell you..I am STOKED about this! God is providing so much already..i have almost 3 or 4 more people that want to donate stuffed animals..and this is JUST DAY ONE!! How AWESOME is that??

IF you would like to donate ANY stuffed animals, contact me ASAP! They can be big, small, old, new, bears, tigers, dogs, cats..ANYTHING! They will be going to little kids that have they will be happy with ANYTHING!

My next step is to start contacting places, and individuals that can either sponsor, or donate for the cost of the shipping:) Which, I KNOW God will provide and send me to the right people:)

If you can help in ANY way let me know ASAP!
Facebook me or Myspace me! I’m on both! I will keep you guys updated!

Keep me and the others that will be involved in this, in your prayers! You WILL be blessed!

